Monday, March 28, 2011

Langgar Hak Paten, Microsoft Tuntut Android Google

ImageMicrosoft melanjutkan kampanyenya menjatuhkan sistem operasi (OS) mobile Android Google. Raksasa software itu menuntut produsen pengguna OS Android.

Raksasa software ini mengklaim pembaca ebook Nook buatan Barnes & Noble melanggar lima hak paten Microsoft, termasuk pengambilan jarak jauh dan manajemen tampilan dokumen elektronik bergambar’ dan ‘status pemuatan pada browser hypermedia yang memiliki area tampilan terbatas

Tuntutan baru itu juga mencantumkan nama manufaktur hardware Foxconn dan Inventec. Hal serupa pernah terjadi pada Oktober 2010 ketika Microsoft mengajukan tuntutan pada Motorola. Microsoft menglaim, Android bukanlah OS ‘gratis’.

Pasalnya, Google memasukkan teknologi yang hak patennya dimiliki raksasa software itu. Menurut pembuat Windows itu, manufaktur perangkat Android wajib membayar hak paten pada Microsoft karena menggunakan teknologi mereka.

VP dan Deputy General Counsel for Intellectual Property & Licensing Microsoft Horacio Gutierrez mengatakan, “Setahun ini kami mencoba mencapai persetujuan lisensi dengan Barnes & Noble, Foxconn dan Inventec”.

"Penolakan mereka memaksa kami melakukan tindak legal guna mempertahankan inovasi dan memenuhi tanggung jawab pada konsumen, mitra dan pemegang saham guna menjaga investasi miliaran dolar kami tiap tahun pada produk dan layanan untuk masyarakat," lanjutnya.

Microsoft telah memaksa pembuat smartphone HTC menandatangani persetujuan lisensi teknologi raksasa software itu. Nampaknya, tindak tegas pada Motorola dan Barnes & Noble dilakukan guna memastikan tak ada manufaktur lain melakukan hal sama. (adhye)

Sumber :

Sexy & Beautiful Sport Girls

Sport gives us a lot of excitement, emotions, adrenaline rushes, and satisfaction. Ive always liked sports of any kind, and after looking at this ladies, I’m even into girls sports! These girls are talented, great in their sports, and drop dead gorgeous! Just choose any sport, and you’ll find at least one beautiful girl. This is not some kind of final list, it’s just random pick from so many beauties. Now, I’m watching all sports, for more excitement and satisfaction!

Gemma Atkinso

beautiful sport girls01 Beautiful Sport Girls

Ana Ivanovic

beautiful sport girls02 Beautiful Sport Girls

Daniela Hantuchová

beautiful sport girls03 Beautiful Sport Girls

Marisa Miller


Sunday, March 27, 2011

10 WOW! Moments

Yeah, I guess we all know what are these guys thinking about :)! Photo-photo di bawah ini makin ke bawah makin parah, jadi yang belum 18+ dilarang keras ngeklik, silahkan cari artikel yang lain saja. Kalau memang ngebet mau lihat silahkan shared link-nya ke nyokap & bokap, biar mereka yang lihat dan kamu tinggal minta ceritanya saja. OK..!Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts

Penny for Your Thoughts


Penny for Your Thoughts

Sumber :

7 Real Photographs That Prove Hell Exists on Earth

A wise and sagely woman once posited that heaven is a place on a Earth. And if that’s true, then hell is just two exits down on the left. Oh, it exists, do not doubt it. It’s real, it’s right here and I have the goddamn pictures to prove it. Literally. These are images damned by God.

His Coming Shall Be Foretold

“Welp, looks like we’ve angered the Hellephant again. Water? Ha ha ha! What the fuck, Steve?! Is this your first day? No. Bill, you break out the iron cruciforms. Gus, start stabbing the hoses into virgins. Carl, I’m so sorry — you’re on Batchild patrol.”
This is actually an undoctored picture of a fire at a chemical factory in the Netherlands. It took 150 firefighters to put out the flames, and while the plant burned completely to the ground, no injuries were recorded despite the toxic fumes. Though surrounding citizens were warned to stay inside to avoid possible respiratory infections and rampaging Balrogs.

His Shadow Shall Block the Sky

This is what happens immediately after you finish signing that contract with Satan, and all you’re left with is a mysteriously echoing laugh. This is the Fourth Sign of the Coming, right before the ground starts bleeding but just after all cats disappear from the Earth. This is how you know God is displeased with your selection of Pope.
OK, so it’s actually a picture of a volcanic eruption at Fimmvorduhals in Iceland. But if you don’t think “flames overflowing the Earth, resulting in a dark red cloud blocking out the moon itself” is some sort of portent of the endtimes — then thanks for reading, Azazel of the Thousand Mouths! I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule of raping betrayers to read my stuff. While you’re here, maybe you can click that Facebook share button; I bet Despair and Calthogh the Worm would get a kick out of this shit.

The Earth Shall Bleed

What, you thought I was kidding about the Dark Eclipse coming right before the Earth starts bleeding? What kind of horrible jackass would joke about something like that?
This is a picture of, no shit, a place called Blood Falls in Antarctica. Here’s the actual explanation: “2 million years ago the Taylor Glacier sealed off a small body of water that contained a community of microbes. This small pool of wild animals has not seen oxygen, sunlight or heat since that time. As the earth warmed and the glaciers in Antarctica melted away, these organisms have been independently evolving for eons without any outside contact.
Until now, when they’ve suddenly sprung forth from the glacier. The frothy water is rich in iron, which gives it the striking red color. These strangely alien microbes may exist nowhere else on earth, and they give scientists an idea of what kind of life may survive after the earth becomes uninhabitable by almost all other life forms.”
So, there’s a place called Blood Falls, located on the frozen, cruel and empty continent of Antarctica, that contains strange life forms which have been sealed away for untold ages, and have now awoken and spilled forth onto the world. Oh yeah, and they’ll probably be the last things alive on the planet.

His Servants Are Among Us

Let’s be fair: This is just a portrait of an unfortunate woman. Unfortunate because she’s lived just a bit too long and has grown to resemble some horror-trope crone. Unfortunate because she’s clearly suffering from some bizarre health issues. Unfortunate because she does not have access to care to correct these issues. And perhaps most unfortunate of all, because she has given her body over to demons who now walk the Earth in human skin, only distinguishable by their black eyes and the goddamn horns growing out of their heads.
This is most likely a common skin condition called a cutaneous horn, which is basically just compacted keratin — the same protein in hair and nails — protruding from the epidermis. If this is indeed a cutaneous horn, they’re often benign and can usually be removed surgically. Though that does not treat the underlying cause, which is either excessive sun exposure to already damaged skin, or the devil coming to live inside the empty shells left behind by suicides.

Beware His Little Messengers

If doves are the messengers of the Lord, then the Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko is probably Old Scratch’s preferred postal carrier. Though you should know that these guys are utterly harmless. They’re tiny — usually two to five inches long — and are endemic to the little island of Madagascar. So you’re not likely to stumble across one in the first place, and it certainly won’t hurt you if you do.
It won’t hurt you at all. It needs you.
It might ask you to hurt others, though. Oh, softly enough at first, in half-heard whispers borne on the wind, but they will grow louder, more frequent and more insistent — until one day you wake up to find yourself in a bathtub filled with liquid that used to be your family. And what will the Satanic Leaf Tailed Gecko do? Why, just take a gander at that picture again: It will smile, friends. It will smile.

On a Fiery Steed He Rides

This is either a picture of the exact moment that Satan busted out his hot rod and started tearing ass into the apocalypse, or else poor Marty’s stuck right at 87 MPH again. This photo was taken at Serra da Leba, a landmark road in Angola, and while it hasn’t been digitally altered, it is a long exposure taken over 60 seconds.
You could cry foul that a manipulated image shouldn’t make the list, hypothetical reader, or you could choose to contemplate the implications of that fact instead. Perhaps evil moves at a different speed than man; perhaps it is a slow and creeping thing. And maybe, if you weren’t so rash, so impulsive — if you could just stop and consider it for one little minute — maybe you could finally trace back its fiery path.
Or hey, maybe it just looks bitchin’ and I’m trying to show you a neat picture. Either way — shut up, hypothetical reader. God, you are being such an ass right now!

In His Unholy House

The entrance to hell is a labyrinth. A vast, snaking maze of caverns bathed in fire, where the lost and the damned wander, uncertain and afraid, for untold eons. The fires burn so hot and for so long in those twisted, screaming caves that the rock itself melts and drips down like water. The burning liquid passes through skin like air; it fuses to bone.

Sumber :

Photographed at Just the Right Moment

Girls are usually calm and sensible creatures. But there comes a time in every girls life when things get out of control. It is at that time that it is of utmost importance to have a digital camera with you and capture moments on photographs that will last for eternity. To the greatest joy of whole of mankind (and I really mean MAN kind Enjoy this photo gallery with funny moments when girls show their wild side.

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

Sumber :) :

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Menghilangkan Tampilan Iklan di Facebook

Bagi sebagian orang iklan di suatu web memang sangat mengganggu keberabadaanya bagi para pengunjung. Disamping itu juga membuat koneksi ke situs tersebeut juga menjadi terhambat, salah satunya facebook situs yang juga sangat banyak advertiser dari berbagai penjuru dunia yang tertarik memasang iklan atau produknya.
Sebagian besar pengahasilan facebook memang berasal dari iklan tepapi apa mau di kata kalau itu membuat user terganggu.


Kali ini saya punya sedikit trik agar iklan tersebut bisa dihilangkan, oh ya trik ini saya terapkan di Mozilla firefox

Pertama anda terlebih dahulu menginstall Greasemonkey

Setelah itu install Remove all facebook ads

Ok, iklan sudah berhasil dihilangkan, anda facebookan dengan tenang

Sumber :

Plugin Pemutar Lagu Di Yahoo Messenger

Mungkin ini juga ada yang menggunakan dengan cara yang berbeda atau pun sama, sedikit saya jelaskan tentang plugin pemutar lagu di yahoo messenger yang masksudnya adalah integrasi pemutar lagu anda dengan yahoo! messenger. Jadi ketika anda memain pemutar musik dan login pada yahoo! messeger maka status yahoo! messnger-nya juga ikut berubah sesuai dengan tag id lagu nya. Nama plugin nya adalah Foxytunes, plugin ini cukup banyak disupport aplikasi

Pemutar musik seperti iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, Real Player, VLC dan masih banyak lagi.

Untuk menginstal nya silahkan klik disini

Sumber :

Trik Internet Gratis 3 Update Maret 2011

Trik internet gratis 3 update maret 2011, seperti trik internet gratis sebelumnya, trik internet gratis kali ini juga membutuhkan aplikasi handler, jadi silakan siapkan aplikasi handler dulu, trik kali ini menggunakan middle query : ?
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Trik Proxy dan Query 3 (Three)

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Hottest Teacher In China?

Elementary school teacher called Chinas sexiest female teacher
Flipping the traditional image on its head, fashionably and sexily dressed with a lithe and graceful body and sweet face, Jiangsu elementary school teacher Zhu Songhua has been named “China’s sexiest female teacher” by netizens. In early September, while appearing on Jiangsu Satellite Television’s “Happy Night” programs “My teacher is special” segment, she caused a stir, with the male special guest immediately shouting “pretty/good-looking”, and even the male host Peng Yu unable to hide a shy expression.
Zhu Songhua is No. 1 Primary School Attached to Jiangsu Nantong’s 3rd grade language teacher and tutor. With regards to the her teaching profession, Zhu Songhua said on the show, “there are no bad students, only bad teachers, when I encounter a naughty child, I will patiently guide/teach.” With such remarks full of caring and patience, no wonder netizens have said “Encountering this kind of teacher, I hope I never graduate!”
Zhu Songhua is 30-years-old this year, unmarried, 168cm tall, weighs 50kg, and her measurements are 34, 26, 34.